The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom. - Wm. Blake

Thursday, September 29, 2005

I'm Back, and Santorum Is Creepier Than Ever

I've got a few things I want to write about, especially Clinton's My Life, which I've begun reading, but the thing to really spur me on is this callow, stereotypically politician-ey move from my state's embarassment of a junior Senator:
Here at the Carlisle courthouse, the College Republican rally draws to a close. The Santorum campaign is filming the event for a campaign commercial to be aired sometime next spring as the election heats up. Little 4-year-old Patrick becomes overwhelmed by the crowd and the cameras and begins to cry. Santorum takes his son in his arms and seeks out a quiet spot on the edge of the crowd, just a few feet from where I'm standing.

"You did wonderful," he says, hugging and comforting the child. "You're such a brave boy."

The cameramen pick up on the touching moment and rush over to film it. Karen follows and notices that Patrick's tear-streaked face is turned away from the camera. Karen tells her husband to turn around so their son can be filmed.

The senator obliges.
[From the Philly City Paper, via Atrios]

Fellow Pittsburgh blogger DJHlights calls Santorum the Real Life Bob Roberts, and boy, does this anecdote embody that characterization. As I say, this is not really anything that we wouldn't expect from a policitian - although it reads more like satire than reality - but coming from Mr. It Takes a Family... Jeebus, what an asshole. Casey had damn well better win (pace, Pennacchio)


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